Eva Verwijs strives to capture the beauty and essence of life in both self portraiture and concept photography. 

‘’Growing up I often dwelled on life’s complexity while feeling stuck in standard societal views and obligations. Creativity and expression of self were not things to prioritise in today’s society and as a little girl, I felt hurt in that worldview. Having worked incredibly hard to break from close minded views within obligated schoolsystems while keeping my creative being alive brought me to where I am today. 

I create art based on my own feelings and visions; visuals that go beyond life’s superficialities. Themes regarding the complexity of emotions and human psyche, relationships and the ever evolving spirit are great interests within my work. 

I showcase the beauty of life and in its complexity, striving to help others think more critically and feel more deeply on what beauty our lives have to offer’’

©Eva Verwijs 2024